Pure, gentle vocals bring listeners
on a journey through grief to hope. Features contemporary blues, folk, and jazz stylings and original lyrics that give words to any heart searching for inspiration.
We've Got Tonight
Little Bit of Faith MP3clip
Romeo & Juliet
What's it Like in Heaven?
One More Day MP3clip
Just Not the Same
What's Going On? MP3clip
Life Goes On
One Step MP3clip
Stories MP3clip
On Wings of Grace
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Read Karen's story.
Little Bit of Faith is about love, loss, hope, and grace.

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100% of the profits from the sales of this CD are donated to cancer research. Our goal is to raise $1 million. Check here to see our progress.
If you'd like to do more, please consider donating to The Fightin' Bob Fund at The Andermax Foundation. The Andermax Foundation is a separate 501(c)3 nonprofit foundation. 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes directly to the cause.
More about The Andermax Foundation.
CD one sheet: PDF
Informational flyer: PDF
Reviews: PDF
CD press release: PDF, Word
5x7 point of sale card: PDF
Artist photo: low res/RGB, high res/CMYK
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CD cover art: low res/RGB, high res/CMYK
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